I'm Ananya Ganesh

I recently graduated from Cornell Tech, NYC with a Master's of Engineering in Computer Science. I am a software engineer with a focus on design and UX. I love working with the web and collaborating with people to build products that create an impact.

  • I am not afraid of challenges – From solving different Rubik's cubes to debugging large codebases, I enjoy the problem solving process and the Eureka moment that follows.
  • I am comfortable being uncomfortable – I put this to the test during my Kedarkantha trek – a 5 day long hike at 12,500ft elevation. I learnt the importance of collaboration, communication and how to effectively course-correct when times are not sunny.
  • I am a team player – Teams that work well together are a force-multiplier. I do not shy from asking the right questions and I highly value mentor-mentee relationships.

View my Resume here.

Want to work together? Reach out to me at ananyasonline@gmail.com. Also find me on LinkedIn and Github!